Storm Protection Shutters

Hurricane Shutters Naples, Marco Island and Ave Maria, FL.

Our high-performance hurricane shutters provide the ultimate protection for safeguarding your family, home and business from severe weather and hurricane damage. Our category 5 hurricane shutter offers superior resistance to extreme wind pressure, security, impact from flying debris and storm surge. We offer our services to homeowners, contractors and home builders in the Southwest Florida area. Schedule a competitive and no nonsense estimate by contacting us today.

Hurricane Shutters

We manufacture and provide expert installation of all types of hurricane shutters. Supersedes all building codes and are insurance company certified. Storm Protection offers a durable and affordable solution for hurricane shutters in Naples, Ave Maria and Marco Island, FL.

Better products, installation and service. thats the storm protection difference.

Roll Down and Accordion Shutters installed in Naples, FL

Folding Hurricane Shutters

We make folding accordion shutters easy to operate. Our shutter features the neatest stack and strongest blade in the industry. Custom fabricated to your application giving our customer the best appearance and operation.

Easily folds and locks together to protect your windows and doors in minutes. Exposure to flying debris, missile impact, theft and sun protection are no match to our folding hurricane shutter. Stacks in open position around an opening when not in use.

Our most appealing rolling shutter with the best functionality. Vertically rolls up and down guided by our fabricated end retention with a proven track record. Roll down shutters can be manually operated or motorized.

Electric Roll Down Shutters

Effortless and fully functional. Offers instant security, hurricane and weather protection at the touch of a button. A necessity if you live near the Gulf Coast and Everglades.

Hurricane Panels

Economical DIY solution for hurricane preparation. Our team will pre-install all tracks or direct mount anchors. Storm Panel types include clear, aluminum and steel. Get your project permitted and closed out fast. Delivery in weeks.

Clear Storm Shutters

Let the light in during hurricane season. Serves as thermal protection by blocking sunlight and radiant heat. These type of DIY panels save consumers on cost in many ways.

Bahama and Colonial Shutters

Bahama and Colonial Shutters
Architectural Shutters for residential and commercial properties. Custom built awning shutters for hurricane and sun control. We can design these products for a modern appearance, accent to the exterior or a traditional look. Operable louvered blades give you control for look out while protecting your home from wind driven rain.